Awesome, you are The Digital Marketer! You also are a bit of a technical person.
This means getting into the real details of something more complex won’t scare you.
What Is This Path?
I consider this path the person who enjoys something such as SEO (Search Engine Optimization) from a technical stand point.
They see themselves digging in to do things like keyword research, competitive analysis, looking at data, testing things and really being very analytical.
If for some reason you feel like you ARE more of a people person you should instead maybe focus on the Consultant path. This is more for people who want to focus more on sales and people vs. doing the actual technical work themselves.
What Would I be Doing Exactly?
You would be the kind of person to be building websites that rank on Google, getting backlinks and seeking out competitors to reverse engineer what they are doing so you can beat them out and outrank them.
The same case goes for building your own affiliate sites (a great path to go down for the technical person) and maybe even working on client sites.
If this sounds intriguing to you, this is what this path is for.
I personally am more of a people person, I’m the type of guy who can understand this stuff but I don’t particularly enjoy doing it regardless of how rewarding it may be.
Because of that, I’ve learned a lot over the years so you are going to get some information from me over the coming weeks that shows you what I’ve done and will show you who you can follow to learn more from.
Keep an eye out for those emails and if for some reason you are reading this and haven’t taken my quiz, you can do that here.