What is the reason you didn't enroll in Breakout Alliance?
Choose an Answer
- I cannot afford the $497 payment
- I am not clear enough on what I'm getting in the program
- I'm already working on something else and have no interest in this right now
If cost was a factor, would you prefer another option for joining?
Choose an Answer
- I would prefer doing split payments over several months
- I would prefer to pay monthly for a membership (low monthly fee) where I could cancel at anytime and have access as long as I stay enrolled
Where are you at right now with your consulting business/agency?
Choose an Answer
- 0 clients - Just starting
- 1-3 clients and want more
- 3-10 clients and growing
- 10+ clients
- I am not interested in working with clients
What is your name and email? (So I can respond to you if needed)
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Any other feedback or questions for me?
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