How To Get Access To:

eBook Product Launch: $966 Case Study

If you have not already read the post about how I launched a $7 eBook that made me $966.01 this page will make little sense.

Please read the blog post here first:

Hi and thank you for the overwhelming interest in this very simple method.

As you know I initially put this together for myself so it isn’t one of those things you’ll see launched to 1000s next week.

Why… well because I do not want this to impact my own earnings (or yours if you get a copy).

As such; My eBook Product Launch: $966 Case Study will be limited to 30 people Today…  As you are reading this page, access is still open.

And No I won’t be charging you for it either… but I won’t be just giving it away willy-nilly either.

You see if I just give this training away without any commitment on your part the likelihood is you will not see the value in it and therefore do nothing with it.

So this will be your commitment (If you accept it)

In order to receive access to the training video I will ask you to purchase one very cheap (but effective) product through my link…

In total it will cost you around $10-20 (I understand that $10 may be too much for some – but that’s the deal here)

Purchasing this product through me is your commitment… and doing so will get you access to My eBook Product Launch: $966 Case Study (1 hour+  Training).

The product is...


Full details of the product, what it does and all the links can be found here: Click Here 

There are no exceptions… The eBook Product Launch: $966 Case Study is simple and profitable as you will

have seen If you have read my post (on my blog).

This is the only way you will be able to access to My eBook Product Launch: $966 Case Study (for the reasons stated above)

Check out this page (same link as above): Click Here 

About the product... Full Details

Access to My eBook Product Launch: $966 Case Study will be delivered instantly after purchasing the product mentioned above. To access simply go to your purchase area in W+ or Jvzoo, Click the bonus link and the page containing your full training coupon code will open instantly.